Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hella Jongerius Knows Color

Hella Jongerius is a industrial designer who is not afraid of color. As Jan Tichelaar states, "Hella does not design by thinking in terms of function, form, material ... and color. She treats it in an integrated way." As a designer, Hella is also interested in making mass-manufactured objects seem just as unique and cherished as handcrafted ones. Rawsthorn also delves into the fact that many industrial designers have been reluctant to use color in their designs and many just stick to the blacks, whites, and grays. I can definitely relate to these other designers. In my own work, mostly drawing, sculpture, and photography, I have always been comfortable experimenting without color. A lot of my favorite pieces are simply black and white and it is always a challenge for me when I am encouraged to use color within my work. (See the original article here)

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