Saturday, January 30, 2010

Parsons Students Say No to the IPad

In this article Nussbaum explain how his design students at Parsons have their doubts about Apple’s newest invention, the iPad. Nussbaum states, "...the Parsons School For Design students are saying that in an era of user-generated content, the iPad is about the consumption of media, not the creation of media." In other words the iPad is an ideal invention for the transportation of media but it doesn't offer its user any tools to create. The iPad does not work as a phon, a camera or as a recording device so if one were to own an iPad they would also have to carry around an iPhone. Nussbaum also says that for Gen Y, creating and sharing media is very important and has become a basic part of their daily lives. It seems as if the creators of the iPad overlooked or ignored this fact. Therefore may of the younger consumers that make up the Apple market, including these Parson's students, will not be running to their nearest Apple store to pick-up an iPad come March.

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