Thursday, March 18, 2010

Andy Hall Creates 24 Chairs in 24 Hours

Andy Hall, of HallMfg in Chicago, created 24 chairs in 24 (non-consecutive) hours in a Chicago Loop Alliance gallery space. Hall set up all his equipment in the empty gallery and created these 24 chair prototypes in this make-shift workshop. Over just the course of one hour, Hall created a to scale drawings of a design and then created a chair prototype. He did this for 4 hours for 6 days, adding up to 24 hours and 24 chairs. The process of which Andy builds is very different and interesting. His drawings are the basics for each chair's measurements. He does not use a tape measure, rather he traces each piece of wood. Then using the drawings creates each prototype chair. The wood that Hall used was provided by Rebuilding Exchange, a company which recycles materials ripped from old buildings and houses. The video below shows Hall creating each piece fast forwarded. It really gives you a sense of how little time he had to create each chair.
(See core77 post here)

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