Tuesday, March 2, 2010

KML 22 Seamless Mesh

New Zealand design company Kaynemaile has developed a material that they call KML 22 Seamless Mesh. KML 22 is a polycarbonate, injection-molded product that is seamlessly connected together. The material is cost-efficient, odorless, thermally insulating, impact-resistant, rust-free, and translucent. Up close the material looks like a series of rings hooked together into a mesh-like fabric. The material has an aesthetic appeal to it as well and therefore will probably be very successful in the design world. Kaynemaile says that their product is an "innovative, functional design solutions and tremendous future potential for a range of commercial and industrial applications that depend on a lightweight, durable and versatile mesh." KML22 has already been used the design of a in a pair of AIrport Control Towers in Christchurch, NZ, the Dish Restaurant and Lounge in Dallas, a showroom at last year's Salon del Mobile and a chandelier Shade at Perth's Berthwood Casino. I think that this material will catch on and we will see it more and more in products. Kaynemaile hopes to apply their product into body armor, aquaculture, water filtration, vehicle drivetrains, conveyor belts, and even artificial ski slopes.
(See original core77 post here.)

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