- First look for a human face or figure
- Then look for text
- Then asks the questions: What is in the foreground? and What is in the background? (we associate what is in the foreground to be the focus/main image)
- Then we look for differences. our eye is drawn to the differences, they stand out to us. (Ex: 5 brunettes and 1 blonde in a photograph: we look at the blonde)
Reptilian Mind V.S. Natural Mind
Reptilian=Fight or Flight Mind: Instinctual
- There is a threat: Do we run from it (Flight) or do we fight it?
Natural Mind: Rational
The original aesthetic question is the original primitive instinctual question: Do I eat it or does it eat me?
We are drawn to diagonal lines and love diagonal lines in design.
- primitively, diagonal lines are representative of an animal (a predator) leaping out: we are frightened and interested (back to the Fight or Fight Mind)
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