Sunday, April 18, 2010

Class Guest Presentation: Evan Roth

Last Thursday afternoon me and my classmates were graced by the presence of Google's #1 Bad Ass Mother Fucker, Evan Roth. Although Evan calls himself an artist he is the exact opposite of what we think to be a traditional artist. He uses street art and popular culture to create his "weekend projects" such as his DIY project: USA/USB, and his more in-depth projects: Graffiti Analysis. Beyond the comical tones of his work is a more serious goal, to create and teach about open source media, activism, and free culture. Evan seemed to be a very down-to-earth, somewhat nerdy guy with a good sense of humor who is passionate about his work. I throughly enjoyed his talk and seeing his work with him explaining it right in front of us. I could go on for pages about everything that he talked about and showed us but my favorite project was probably L.A.S.E.R. Tag. Not only did he and his team at Eyebeam create and use this technology and show it to others but people around the world are using his instructions to create their own laser tags. I find it so fascinating that he can effect that many people with a simple form of creative technology.

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