Monday, April 19, 2010


This crazy concoction of electronics called Winscape,is used to create virtual views that look like live scenes with video and sound. The complex set-up consists of a combination of two 46-in Panasonic TC-P4610 plasma screens, a Macbook, a Wii remote, a custom-built IR-emitting necklace, and an iPhone app. The setup tracks the movement of the necklace, worn by the viewer, to completely remake the exact seen from your point of view. With all the pieces it is about a $3000 project in total. Instructions on how to create your own setup are available on Winscape's RationalCraft webpage. Its pretty fascinating and I could definitely see it being utilized in the future if it were to be developed further into a neatly packaged product available for a more cost efficient price.
Here is a similar project using the same "head tracking" technology.
(See original core77 post here.)

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